Know you Body Language

Life Story by Daniel | Friday, August 31, 2007 | 0 comments »

An expert say, body language is not the same for men and women.

Women are most turned on by a man who uses his eyes to say: I am interested in you.

Men on the other hand are most aroused by a woman with a suggestive, seductive or flirtatious walk.

Interesting isn’t it?

After the first meeting, it takes only seven seconds for us to know whether we find the other person sexy or not.

In that time, he has scanned her body completely before returning his gaze to her face, and she has made up her mind by concentrating on his eyes and lips.

So what is your body telling the opposite sex?

A lot of us may not know it, by using the right body language; you can give yourself self-confidence a boost!

When you are displaying confidence signals: assertiveness, control, dominance – you’re bound to feel more confident.

The hand-on-hips stance will signal an aggressive attitude.

When you’re seated, then lean forward with both hands on your knees; it conveys the idea that you’re confident and ready.

By knowing the right body language to show is especially helpful in certain situation.

During a job interview, don’t fold or cross your arms; this signals defensiveness, not confidence.
Even crossing one arm over your body to hold the other or fiddling with a watch, ring, bracelet or handbag reveal a lack of confidence and should be avoided.

When talking to someone you like, always keep your hands away from your head or face; covering your mouth, touching your nose, rubbing your ears and eyes and scratching your neck all signal impatience or anxiety.
It might even diminish confidence in you.

How can body language help build our confidence?

Display your thumbs! Use you palm power! Stake out your territory!

Thumbs displayed over pockets, belts or jacket labels signal dominance or superiority.

Use the palm power, be the first to extend your hand in greeting. Taking initiative is a ‘take charge’ signal.

There might be situation or conversation that we don’t have any confidence no matter how we ‘Brain-Wash’ ourselves.

This is where ‘Stake out your territory!’ comes in.

Lean against something that belongs to other people, such as desk or filing cabinet. This is one way of showing and establishing confidence.

So how can we know if that other person likes us?

Always keep a look-out for the following signs:
- Eye contact.
- An open, comfortable posture, instead of crossed hands before the chest.
- Special Gestures such as tossing hair, licking lips, and eyes that open wider.

So look a look out for these signs, and hope you will find your someone 'Special' =)

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Whats Innovation?

Life Story by Daniel | Sunday, August 19, 2007 | 1 comments »

Last Thursday and Friday I went to a very interesting course, which I hope to share with all of my Friends here.

The name of the course is ‘GROW Your Ideas’.

Basically it’s a course which enables your skills for Innovation.

So what is Innovation?

From what I understand after the 2 long day, Innovation is the successful exploitation of new ideas and the enabling of people to have ideas and take positive action for change.

Many of us are too satisfied in our very own Comfort Zone to dare to make a change to our Life.

I believe some of you may have asked yourselves before, ‘Why must I do it like this?’ or ‘Why can’t I do it that way?’

Being Innovation is also being able or dare to make changes to interrupt our normal Life/Work flow.

Why I use the word ‘dare’, because not all changes will have a good outcome.

It’s because of these different possible outcomes; people are unable to step out of their Comfort Zone.

During the first day of the course, I asked this question ‘What’s the difference between being Creative and Innovative?’

Creative is the New or Unique ideas which many of us sometime thinks about, but didn't make it to work.

Innovative is putting our Creativity into good use.
Making changes to certain flow, starting a fresh use of the idea or exploit current things around us and turn it into something new.

But both Creativity and Innovative cannot be learn, they can only be inspired and bring it out of every one of us.

At times, we are trying to step out of our Comfort Zone and prepare to make a change, but suddenly there’s a ‘Road Block’ in front.

Let’s say at work, when we have a new suggestion to change certain things in the system or work flow.

The first reaction we get is ‘It’s too risky’, ‘Let’s get back to reality’ or It’s good, but…’

All these negative reaction made us think twice in future when we have another new idea or possible a radical idea.

Other typical of ‘Road Block’ is that there is lack of openness to new ideas in people around us, people normally attempt to measure results too soon for it to happen or there’s too much commitment to current work/things to try make it happen.

Worst are people are always having a tendency to talk about newness, but the walk is about feasibility.

What can we do to remove these ‘Road Block’?

In fact there’s nothing much we can do but to start off with ourselves.

When we hear new ideas from people, don’t straight away think about why it CAN’T work.

Think about why it CAN.

Learn to accept new ideas around us, even if it’s a real bad idea, think about how to improve it and make it into a good one.

There’s still a lot about this course, but if I put everything in this post, it might get too tiring to read.

If anyone interested in knowing more about it, feel free to request and I will come out with another post in detail.

Things such as Generating Ideas, Harvesting Ideas, Reinforcing Ideas and Overcoming Obstacles, Potential Problems and Risk.

So, ready to make change for a better in Life with me?

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Love and Be Loved

Life Story by Daniel | Friday, August 10, 2007 | 2 comments »

Love - a constellation of emotions and experiences related to a sense of strong affection or profound oneness.

The meaning of Love varies relative to context.

Love can also be construed as Romantic Love, Platonic Love, Religious Love, Familial Love, and, more casually, great affection for anything considered strongly pleasurable, desirable, or preferred, to include activities and foods.

If you search the internet, the definition for Love is often classified it into types, such as passionate love, romantic love, and committed love.

These types of Love can often be generalized into a level of sexual attraction.

In common use, Love has two primary meanings, the first being an indication of adoration for another person or thing, and the second being a state of relational status.

So what is your definition of Love?

Many people believe Love is a sensation that magically generates when Mr. or Ms. Right appears.

This sensation is based on both physical and emotional attraction.

Which means this sensation that magically generates when Mr. or Ms. Right appears, can just as easily degenerate when the magic is “just isn’t there” anymore.

Then what is Love, real lasting Love?

This is what I always belief in - Love is the attachment that results from deeply appreciating another’s goodness.

Some of you may ask, what is this ‘goodness'?

I’ve known her as friend for 7 years, I’ve made her my Love 2 years ago (I'm still Loving her more and more as each day goes by).

Shes attractive, gorgeous, intelligent and its everything about her that attracts me.

But it’s the sense of happiness she gave me when we are together, that ‘moves me to Love’.

Of cause this isn’t the only factor or ‘goodness’ I see in this Love, but it’s definitely a ‘goodness’ I see which made me appriciate her a lot =)

Pretty or intelligent, theres always someone out there who will be prettier or more intelligent.

But there is no second person who can give me the same amount of happiness I’m feeling now.

Someone once told me, Love is passive and Love is something that can’t be create.

If Love comes from appreciating goodness, it need not ‘just happen’, you can make it happen.

You can create it by just forcusing on the good in another person (I’m sure everyone have some good in them).
By forcusing on good, you can Love almost anyone.

What is the purpose of creating Love?

There isn’t a couple who wont quarrel at all during their path of Love, as different people has different character and habits, it’s these differences that cause either minor or major conflict or argument (I prefer calling it argument rather than quarrel between couples).

Being able to forcus on the good of one another, helps us to understand and appreciate more of each other and forget about the differences.

Few years back I had a discussion with a group of friends, a discussion about Love and Relationships.

One of them mentioned something meaningful which i remember till today, In the path of Love, “Grass always seems greener on the other side, it depends a lot if you are able to find the greener ones in your yellow patch of grass”.

The more you understand and know about someone, the more faults you will see in him/her.

This indirectly make other people out there seems more attractive physically and emotionally.

How to find ‘the greener ones from your yellow patch of grass’?

I believe the best way to feel loving is to be loving, which means giving.

Care for the person you Love, show concern about things in his/her life and growth.

Respond to his/her expressed and unexpressed needs, especially emotionally.

Respect, the ability to see a person as he/she is, be aware of the person’s unique individuality and wanting that person to grow and unfold as he/she is.

The more you give, the more you Love.

This is why your parents (who’ve given you more than you’ll ever know) undoubtedly Love you more than you Love them, and you, in turn, will love your own children more than they'll love you.

Even a relationship with true Love needs to be maintain through continual, unconditional giving.

Love isn’t about saying “I Love You”, but showing it =)

Have you found your true Love yet?

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Passion or Reality?

Life Story by Daniel | Monday, August 06, 2007 | 0 comments »

Nothing great in the world has ever been accomplished without Passions.

This is what I always believe in.

But in Life, do we really have a choice to choose between Passions and Reality?

Passions, a powerful emotion, a boundless enthusiams.

Lifelong dreams are the stuff of Passion.

Since young, we develops hobbies and interest through things we learn and see.

A hobby or an interest becomes a Passion when it has made inroad into our heart and change the way we think and view things.

But how many of us can really do things that we are Passionate in for life? Or for a living?

I used to like designing and art a lot, and I used every chance I have to take up courses and lessons to understand and learned more about it.

Until a certain stage of life, when I have to decide what I really want to do for the rest of my life.

I wanted to study interior design, but being discouraged by my parent, I took up engineering instead.

Which is where I am now, working in a software related job, and maybe for the rest of my life.

I wouldn’t say I hate being where I am now because who knows what will happen if I really take up interior design, as the job opportunity for it during that time isnt a lot.

So where is the choice?

Although there’s people out there, who is really doing things they love doing for Life, but most of us don’t.

School teaches us all kinds of subjects, all kinds of modules or stuff that helps us to find a stable and normal job.
But why didn’t they teach us anything about pursuing our Passions and Dreams?

I may not be able to do the things I Love or I Passionate about for Life, but still, I encourage all my friends out there.

Follow your heart, but be quiet for awhile first.
Ask questions, then feel the answer from within.
And Learn to trust your heart.

After all, only Passionate people dare to dream =)

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Regrets in Life

Life Story by Daniel | Sunday, August 05, 2007 | 0 comments »

There is no such thing as a life without any regrets.

No matter big or small, it will be a memory that lives in our mind forever.

Just like a quote I came across recently, “Many of us crucify ourselves between two thieves - regret for the past and fear of the future.”.

When you regret about a certain decision you made in the past, in present if you come across the same situation again, you fear of making another decision which will turn out wrong or has a bad outcome.

Just like Love, some people fear the feeling of falling in Love, or even admiring someone.

In the past, I did once fear the feeling of falling in Love with someone. Or I should say, afraid of giving promise to the person I Love.

So what caused these fear? The answer is Regrets.

I regret that I made a wrong decision at that point of time and hurt someone I Love.

Especially when I could hear her crying over the phone a few days later after my ‘decision’.

I feel like a sinner who had made the biggest mistake in the world.

I started to doubt about my decision, starting to regret making this decision which caused pain to someone I actually care about.

This ‘Regret’ haunted me for years, as I no longer have the courage to give promises or commit to a relationships.

Few years later, which is now, I finally moved on. She did too =)

I’m happy for her that she find someone who truly loves her, and I too got someone I’m willing to do anything for just to see her smile (^_^)

Sometimes people regrets about certain decision that affects their present and future.

I too regret that I didn’t study hard enough when I was still a student, haha.

But this is already a fact, no matter how much you blame yourself.

So don’t let regrets become either burdens that interfere with your present happiness and restrict your future, or motivation to move forward.

Theres too many decision point in our path of Life, and how do we know if the certain decision we made wont cause any regret?

There is no way we could tell, as no one can foresee what will happen in future.

But i would much rather have regrets about not doing what people said, than regretting not doing what my heart led me to and wondering what life had been like if I'd just been myself.

What are your regrets in Life and what are your beliefs in making decision that wont cause regrets?

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Life Story by Daniel | Saturday, August 04, 2007 | 0 comments »

Family, no matter who you are, every one of us has a family.

No matter close or distant, good or bad relationship, they still play an important role in our life.

For me, I appreciate my family a lot, especially my parents.

They are just a like typical parent, who is willing to do anything just for the sake of my future (or should I say, for me to have a bright future).

I have an elder sister, a distant one in fact.

Last time I used to hate a lot about my family, especially my sister.

Elder siblings are supposed to play a good role/example for the younger one isn’t it?
But my elder sister never!

Because of her, my parent never give me a second chance in life, mostly in terms of studies.

She turned rebellious; flunk her grades, but my parents kept giving her a never ending second chance.
They support her through her studies no matter what.

What about me?

All I get is ‘If you never make it, you can just forget about it’.

Because of these, I made a promise to myself; I will prove to other people I will make it no matter what. No matter how difficult it will be, I will never allow myself to ask for a second chance.

And I did make it; in fact I can proudly say that I didn’t let my parents down.

This is when, I really understand, understand the true purpose of my parent for treating me like this during that time.

They truly hope I won’t follow my elder sister foot step, which made them come to a decision that they couldn’t pampered me just like what they did to my elder sister.

Since then, I no longer hate them for what they did that time, but I’m very grateful for it. If not for those words, I won’t really put my effort into my studies as I’m very playful during that period of time.

I’m grateful to my elder sister too, why?
Because, she let me understand what is the result of making certain mistake in life, so that I won’t follow it. (Although she’s a much better person now)

A lot of us often misunderstand the true meaning behind the things that our parent had done for us.

Try to be in their shoes thinking, maybe it will help (^_^)

Sometime we might find them naggy (although can be quite a nuisance sometimes, haha), but with just a word of assurance like ‘Don’t worry, I’ll be fine’ with a smile on your face, can make them feel much better and understand that you are actually growing up.

It’s a fact and everyone has to face it; our parents will be gone someday.
They can’t be staying by our side forever, so spend more time with them, communicate more with them.

Learn to appreciate things around you before it’s gone.

By then, regret is too late.

As I always believe ‘Leave no room in Life for any regrets’.

So, when is the last time you told your parent ‘I Love You’?

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Life Story by Daniel | Saturday, August 04, 2007 | 0 comments »

Friendship, what is your definition of a friend?

Someone who goes to work/school everyday with you? Someone who accompanies you for lunch break everyday? Or is it someone who invites you out for an overnight party even though you are having an important exam/work the next day?

Alot of us know whats the true definition of a friend, but we often forget about it. Until one day then you find out, the person who you defines as 'friend' is actually telling everyone around you your darkest secret.

Why do people often makes this kind of mistake?

Because we are creatures who is scare of the feeling of being lonely =)

'Friends - Is Someone Who Might Not Be Around To Share Your Happiness, But Is Someone Who Definitely Will Be Around To Share Your Troubles'

This is what I always believe in.

So, how many friends do you have in your life? how many of them actually hangs around during you most troubled days?

I can proudly say 'I HAVE 7 FRIENDS'
(p.s. my definition of close friends, good friends, best friends, buddies are all the same, 'FRIENDS')

5 of them joined me in my 'Life' when i was 13 years old, 2 of them came in when I was 17.
Not to mention, 1 out of 7 of them, has special meaning to me ('.-,)

'Friendship' doesnt just happen overnight, they accompanied me through important stages of life. They are the one whos around when I'm feeling down, they are the one who came over to me asking if I'm fine when I looked troubled.

Because of all these, which make me treasure these friendship alot, I believe friends are important in our lifes.

After all, I'm not trying say 'beware who you befriend with', haha.

But understand and keep in mind the true meaning of 'Friend'.

As a heart not only can be broken by someone you love, but also a friend whom you care for alot =)

Last but not least, treasure those around you as true friendship are hard to come by.

Thats all for today, take care, my friend (^_^)

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