Meanings in Life

Life Story by Daniel | Sunday, October 28, 2007 | 0 comments »

Meanings... Meanings of Life... Meanings of doing certain things in Life...

Sorry for disappearing so long ><"

It's not that I'm no longer maintaining this blog...

It's because I'm out on a 'mission'... a 'mission' to find the meaning of my Life...

Been wondering alot recently...
wondering 'Why am I doing this?
Why am I doing that?'...

It all feels like...
what I'm doing...
are all for the sake of other people but not myself...

I dont feel the sense of happy....
or the emotion 'happy'...

But what can I do to make myself happy?

Have you ever wonder about this question?

My 'mission' of finding this answer...

Till now...
I'm still unable to answer this question if someone ask me...

Is it that when you do things for the sake of other people...
you see their smile on their face...
you will feel happy about it too?

Since young...
I didn't have much of a choice of which 'path' of Life i want to take...

The 'path' that I took is all along guided by my parent...

I wouldn't say it's a bad thing...
as who knows what will happen if I took another 'path' in the decision of my own...

Taking this 'path' is for the sake of yourself?
or for the sake of your parent?

Do your parent really understand what you want the guide you to your 'target' of Life?

After searching for so long...
I decided to give up on this search...

I believe there's someone out where...
who is able to enlighten me =)

Please share with me...
your 'answer'...
your story of Life...

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