Do You Judge?

Life Story by Daniel | Friday, February 15, 2008 | 3 comments »

Do you find yourself judging people when they do something you don't think are right?

When they act a way that you don't consider to be the best way to act?

When they say something you don't think should be said?

When you see someone walking down the street and they are someone you don't think you'd like to know, what's going through your mind?

Are you judging them?

Sure. We all do that to a certain extent.

Are we feeling happy when we are judging them?

We all know that it's not right to put people down, even if only it’s in our mind.
And we shouldn't be putting them up, either.

To judge means you are making someone better than you or someone worse than you are.
Either way, someone gets put up and put down.

That's not how life should be.

However, it is sometimes difficult not to judge, isn't it?

All our lives we've been taught to think, rightly or wrongly, about what someone else or ourselves are doing.
Always, it seemed, there was a winner and a loser.

But that's not the way life should be.
The fact is you never come out ahead when you put someone down.

‘But it's a habit, what can I do?’

Imagine the scenario where everyone is judging you.
Imagine everyone around you walking with his or her nose in the air.
(Nose in the air, the look of feeling proud)

How would you feel?

Or, someone is in front and admires you so much that he/her just wish he/her were exactly like you.

What would you think of the person after seeing the face full of envy?

Everyone around you hates you.
All their faces show nothing but hatred.

How would you feel?

Do think about it whenever you are about to judge someone, think about everyone in the whole world knew what you are thinking.

Would you think twice before judging someone?

Why not realises what you are doing ahead of time and stop it?

Give that other person a chance.
You just might make some great new friends that way, and wouldn't that be terrific?

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  1. Unknown // February 15, 2008 at 10:08 PM  

    Excellent post.
    We often judge people based on our own view of what's acceptable and what's not. How sad.
    There's an old adage - "Don't judge a book by its' cover". Perhaps we should all keep that in mind.
    I recently read a book by Deepak Chopra, wherein he posits several 'mantras' which will help us to become more centered and one with the world. The mantra (saying) that I'd like to share with all of you is this - 'Today I will be non-judgemental'.
    Sounds simple but you really have to work on it. I still am.

  2. h@n| // February 15, 2008 at 11:15 PM  

    don't you think most girls do the judging?

  3. lilyruth // February 16, 2008 at 11:12 PM  

    Its sad but true people always tend to judge others but before they judge others they should look at themselves and do the judging there with themselves. This subject is even in the Bible Let no man judge let him be judge himslef or something like that. So people should just think before they pass judge ment on others and think NOT to pass any kind of judgement at all would be the best thing to do. THis is a very good article and I enjoyed commeting on it.