Headaches Part 1

Life Story by Daniel | Wednesday, April 23, 2008 | 0 comments »

Recently I’ve been having frequent headache.

Sometimes to the extent that even painkiller won’t help.

As I am partial medically trained, I understands some of the danger of headaches.
Do you know headache can be one of the symptoms of stroke?

Guess busy schedule, stress and fatigue are the main causes of my headache.

So I’ve decided to do a little research one headache and find a little ‘cure’.

Before I share these causes and cures, as listed below are some symptoms and if you case of headache is alike, STOP reading this article and consults your doctor immediately!

1. You never had headache before, but are getting them now.
2. Your headache persists for more than 72 hours and is disrupting your day to day work.
3. The headache feels like ‘explosion’ in your head.
4. You are also experiencing vision problems, difficulty talking, problems with coordination, weakness in your arms and legs or difficulty thinking clearly.
5. You also have a fever or stiff neck.
6. You get a headache whenever you exert yourself.
7. You're also vomiting but don't feel nauseated.
8. Your headaches are becoming more frequent and severe.

I might sound scary but fortunately, less than 5 headaches in 100 are a sign of a serious underlying illness.
For the majority of us, headaches are a painful but routine part of life.
(Still, do consult your doctor for persistent headache)

Sometimes it seems like nothing feels worse than a nasty headache.
It throbs, it bangs, and it squeezes.
It can feel as if it's twisting your head inside out and wringing all the energy from your body.

9 out of every 10 headaches are muscle contraction headaches, also known as tension headaches.

Often triggered by stress and fatigue, these headaches are caused by sustained contraction of the head and neck muscles.
Tension headaches usually strike in the late afternoon and can feel like a tight band is wrapped around your head.

Sometimes, people often mistake migraine with headache.

Unlike headache, migraine occurs when blood vessels in the scalp dilate.

It often begins early in the morning with intense pain on one side of the head or behind the eyes.

The pain can last for several hours or linger for up to three days.
Some people who have migraines experience auras, flashes of light or zigzag lines, which might lasts from 15 to 30 minutes before the headache occurs.
Migraines also can cause nausea, vomiting and sensitivity to light

Do you know 65 to 75 percent of the people who have migraines are women and are often connected to the menstrual cycle?

Men, however, are more likely to get cluster headaches, an extreme burning or gnawing type of head pain in or around one eye.
Considered one of the most painful types of headaches, cluster attacks may last up to two hours once or twice a day for a month and then not occur at all for six months or several years.
It’s one of the more uncommon types of headache, as it only occurs once in every 100 headache.

Headaches also can be a sign of a cold, flu, high blood pressure, brain hemorrhage, stroke, brain tumor, meningitis, Lyme disease, tapeworm, glaucoma, abscessed tooth or caffeine withdrawal.
They can also be side effects of certain drugs.

As you can see, we can’t really pin point what causes our headache.
They are often natures warning that something is wrong somewhere in the body.

So consulting a doctor is still the best option.

In the next post I’ll share some useful ways to relieve headache =)

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